Accelerating the Pace of Discovery


Showing 1-9 of 9 results

Code Name Product Type Clone
0566P Recombinant Mouse anti Human CD56 Primary Antibodies C5.9 E1 (derived from clone C5.9)
MUB2001P Mouse anti Human CD11b/C3 Primary Antibodies Bear-1
MUB2006P Mouse anti MUC-1 (CD227) Primary Antibodies 214D4
02A2 Mouse IgG2a FITC Negative Control Single-Color Negative Control
GM-4091 Mouse anti CD14 Primary Antibodies MEM18
MUB2010P Mouse anti Human CD20 Primary Antibodies NKI-B20
MUB2011P Mouse anti Human vitronectin receptor CD51 Primary Antibodies NKI-M7 (former AMF7)
MUB0367P CD15/ Lewis X antigen/ alpha-(1,3)-fucosyltransferase 4 Primary Antibodies BRA4F1
MUB1111P Mouse anti CD11a inhibitor Primary Antibodies NKI(SPV)-L15