Accelerating the Pace of Discovery


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SKU: X1727M Categories : Primary antibodies, Primary antibodies, Monoclonal Antibody
Lane 1. Western blot using anti-NPDC-1 (Cat # X1727M) on 10 µg lysate transfected with NPDC-1 protein at a dilution of 1µg/ml, detected with Supersignal West Pico Substrate, 15 second exposure. Lane 2 probed with anti-Rem and anti-alpha SNAP antibodies. "

" Lane 1. Western blot using anti-NPDC-1 (Cat # X1727M) on 10 µg lysate transfected with NPDC-1 protein at a dilution of 1µg/ml, detected with Supersignal West Pico Substrate, 15 second exposure. Lane 2 probed with anti-Rem and anti-alpha SNAP antibodies. "

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